What is web 3.0

What is web 3.0

What is web 3.0

What is web 3.0

What is web 3.0

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What is web 3.0


Although you are reading this blog, you are definitely on Web 2.0, which came after Web 1.0. There are big differences between now and 10 years ago. What changes have happened, and more importantly, where should it go next?  In addition, why do any of these things matter? History teaches us that changes are important. 

I explain why “Where’s next” is important in this blog post. Just think about how the internet changes your daily life. Think about how the internet, social media platforms, mobile apps, and now another paradigm shift speak have changed society.

So before understanding of “What is Web 3.0” let’s first understand What is the Web?

What is the Web?

An online space known as the World Wide Web. In 1990, Sir Tim Berners-Lee made the World Wide Web. 

Firstly let me clear you one thing, the World Wide Web (WWW) is not the Internet, even though the two terms are often used to refer to the same thing. An easy way for computers to share information with each other. 

When they were first made, machines called each other directly. Today, networks are everywhere, which makes it easy for us to talk to each other. 

Communication that is made possible by has many uses, such as email, file sharing, and videoconferencing. However, the most common use is to connect to the internet.

Evaluation of the Web 

A look at web technology In Web 1.0, these sites were called “read-only.” At that time, they were made using static HTML pages and looked like newspaper columns with lots of text and a few pictures.Web1.0 is the first generation of the internet. It can only use HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) pages and images that are already on the web. 

There are many users who were not able to change data or upload their own, they could only see the data. Millions of people around the world can view user-generated content virtually and instantly on sites like Facebook, YouTube, Google, and writing posts, uploading photos, and enter search queries. However, this approach is not secure because it violates privacy by giving personal information to third parties. 

That’s the main reason we need to make a new Web format. If you are on web2.0, you can read or write anything you want on the web.

Web3.0 is the third generation of the internet. It includes Decentralized technologies, AI (Artificial Intelligence), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain. It started to develop in 2010 and is still going strong.

From the beginning of 2010 to 2014, the idea of web3.0 was introduced. “Gavin Wood” created the Ethereum Cryptocurrency community, and his idea will make people more interested in cryptocurrencies in 2021. 

In 2020 and 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic speeds up the use of decentralized technologies. A lot of attention is paid to decentralized technology in the Web3.0 community. 

From 2020 on, new projects & technologies keep adding to web3.0 and making it better. More users and developers are working on this project to make web3.0 safer and more flexible for users. 

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is also called web 3. This is what you come to learn about web 3.0 is the next evolution of the internet, utilizing blockchain technology & the tools of decentralization. 

When you used social networks in Web 2.0, you were the product. But some people think that in Web 3.0, you will own the things you put online. 

Now, this is true, so if you want a post to stay up, if you want to take it down, they say in web 3.0, you can control that because, as we all know, usually when something is on the internet. 

Even applications that are called decentralized today don’t store all of their data in the blockchain. Web 3.0 is still in its early stages and has a very fragmented structure. To sum up, in the first version of the internet, one user got information to read in web 2.0. 

Users can interact with the network, communicate with other people, order goods and services, and use search engines. Web 3.0 should become a decentralized basis for the creation and existence of virtual communities with their own tokens, cryptocurrencies, and rules.

Difference between web 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0 


Sr. no.  Web 1.0 Web 2.0Web 3.0
1)Sir  Tim Berners Lee published their first Web in 1991.Web 2.0 was created by Sir Darcy DiNucci in 1999.Web 3.0 was released by Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood in 2014.
2)Mostly Read-Only  Mostly Read-Write Mostly is portable & personal 
3)The first generation of the Web on the internet.The second generation of the Web on the internet.The third generation of the Web on the internet.
4)A green shot of E-commerce Desktop browser access dedicated infrastructure. Social network mobile-first always on cloud-drive computing.AI-driven service decentralized data architecture edge computing infrastructure.  
5)HTML (Hypertext markup language)/ portals.XML-RSS(Really Simple Syndication)RDF ( Resource Description Framework)/ RDFS ( Resource Description Framework schema) / OWL (Web Ontology Language owl)


What programming languages are used in Web 3.0? 

Developers can use Web3.0 to make smart contracts and decentralized apps (dApps) that run on the Ethereum blockchain. Built on the ERC20 token standard. Tokens can be used to show value or advantages, and they can also be used as an exchange (DEX) that lets users trade straight from their wallets. Web3.0 is still being worked on and hasn’t been made ready for the real world yet. But we are working hard to get everyone to use it.

1) Contract languages

The contract language is what you’re going to use to build out decentralized contracts that are used to execute code on decentralized systems. 

So for those, it’s specific to which chain you want to deploy and which language you will use.

2) Solidity

Solidity is the language that you use for most Ethereum smart contract development. That’s the most popular decentralized contract language right now. 

There are several other options you can use with EVM chains, like a viper, but those are the most popular for EVM. 

3) Rust

The Solana side rust is the main contract development language which is a low-level language that you might want to learn there, and probably as new chains start to develop. 

We see more innovation like zero knowledge and other systems like that, and there will be new languages rolling out that allow you to build contracts.

One great thing about Web 3.0 is that it changes the way you interact with data. Usually, to interact with your data, you need a database and an API, which means you need a back end. But with Web 3.0, all of the data is decentralized because it’s on the blockchain. 

You have RPCS, which is the blockchain’s API. You can do things with the blockchain. The good thing about that is that they are always the same. All of your front-end apps are basically made with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and you can do most of what you want.

Security and privacy : 

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS)
  • SQL injection 
  • Distributed denial of service (DDoS)
  • Phishing 
  • Session hijacking 
  • Buffer overflow 

Advantages of Web 3.0

  • The purpose of Ubiquitous access to data is to enable a more equitable & secure internet that benefits all users.
  • Web 3.0 is designed to provide better security compared to the traditional centralized system of the current internet.
  • Sharing knowledge is easier in web 3.0 due to its decentralized and open nature. 
  • The speed of web3.0 can vary depending on the specific application and use case.
  • Web3.0 has the potential to increase productivity by streamlining and automating various processes and tasks.   
  • Giving more freedom to the interacting world. 
  • Change human collaboration to more adequate and accurate search results. 
  • Working on the internet becomes much easier as the internet is personalized.

Disadvantages of Web 3.0

  • Less progressed gadgets won’t have the option to deal with web 3.0. 
  • Web 1.0 sites will appear to be substantially more outdated. 
  • It tends to be exceptionally confusing for newcomers to comprehend.
  • Technology isn’t altogether prepared for it yet. 
  • Easy to get user public/ private information.  
  • People will spend more time surfing the Web.
  • Privacy policies are needed in Web 1 or Web 2.



Decentralized is a word used to describe a system where no single person or group has control. It’s the opposite of centralized, where one entity controls everything. Decentralization has been around for quite some time. 


As we discussed earlier, faster Web 3.0 technology is a new version of the technology that runs the internet that is better than the old one. With faster web 3.0, the main goal is to make the web faster, safer, and easier to use. 


The new Web would be based on three main points: 

  1. Decentralized data storage
  2. Peer-to-peer networking
  3. Cryptography to make data transfer safe.

Number three, it’s more secure; many new features have been introduced that enable a much more secure and stable internet. 

One of the most popular and common uses is the introduction of blockchain technology for storing and transferring data; this makes it much more difficult to hack or manipulate data keeping it secure for all users. 


Web 3.0 is the next version of the Internet, and it’s meant to be less controlled. Users will need to store their data on their own devices instead of on computers run by third parties, which will make the internet safer.

This will also eliminate problems with security breaches and data leaks that have been so common in the past.


It is more user-friendly than its predecessors, expansive, and powerful. It has outgrown its sandbox and now permeates every aspect of our lives. 

Web 3.0 technology is the next internet generation and will likely replace web 2.0. It is more user-friendly than its predecessors and has outgrown its sandbox, permeating every aspect of our life, from our homes to the workplace.

Future Scope

Web 3.0 transforms the finance space for people and businesses from lending and borrowing to seeking funds to scale up projects. Having no intermediaries will revolutionize the space so that web3.0 can take care of your Art. If there’s anything else, there is still a lot of space for innovation. 

Web 3.0 is all about a personal, customizable online experience that gathers all the benefits of decentralization under its hood. 

The goal is to establish an equitable web space that lets a user have a say on their data and control who profits from it in many web 3.0 paves the way for a bright future where people and machines interact with data, value, and other counterparties without an intermediary making the end product human-centric, secure and future ready.

Web developer jobs are available in different sectors, but first, you must learn technologies like AI, ML, IoT, VR, Python, Javascript, AR, etc. If you aspire to be a web development professional, learn all these skills. 

You have many options to do either short-term or long-term web development courses, and you can go there as any of the following:

  • Web App Developer
  • UI Designer
  • Front-end Developer 
  • Backend Developer
  • UX Architect
  • UX Designer
  • Web Marketing Analyst
  • Web Developer with python
  • Web Developer with java etc


I hope you get a better understanding of “What is Web 3.0”.

  • Web 3.0 is the next step in internet evolution.
  • It’s characterized by semantic web tech and smarter data handling.
  • Promises faster, more efficient, and personalized online experiences.
  • Still evolving, its full potential and features are yet to be defined.
  • Holds the potential to revolutionize how we interact with the web.

Picture of Prince


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