Leap Year Program In Python | Is 2024 a Leap Year?

Leap Year Program In Python | Is 2024 a Leap Year?

Leap Year Program In Python | Is 2024 a Leap Year?

Leap Year Program In Python | Is 2024 a Leap Year?

Leap Year Program In Python | Is 2024 a Leap Year?

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Leap Year Program In Python | Is 2024 a Leap Year?

Leap Year Program In Python | Is 2024 a Leap Year?

For Python developers, the year 2024 brings a common question: Is it a leap year? Let’s find the answer to this question by exploring the Leap Year Program in Python.

So basically, a leap year is like giving our calendar an extra day, making it a cool 366 days instead of the regular 365. Why? Well, it’s all about keeping things in sync with Earth’s journey around the sun.

We learned in school that Earth takes about 365.2422 days for a full spin, and without these leap years, our calendar would slowly start playing catch-up with the seasons.

So let’s explore the leap year program in Python and “Is 2024 a Leap Year?”

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Leap Year Program In Python

There are two things we have to keep in mind before coding – 

  1. Years divisible by 100 are not leap years unless…
  2. Leap Year is divisible by 400 or 4

Now let’s look at the Python code that checks a year to see if it is a leap year.

Here are a few steps to check: is 2024 a Leap Year?

Step 1: Make sure the year can be divisible by 4

Step 2: Check if the year is divisible by 100

Step 3: Check if the year is divisible by 400

The output of Leap Year Program In Python: 2024 is a leap year.

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Different Methods to Find Leap Year In Python Programming

There are a lot of different methods to find the leap year in the Python Program. 

Here are a few: 

i)   Basic If-Else method

ii)  Calendar Module

iii) Using Divisibility

iv) Using Datetime Module

Let’s explore all these methods with coding examples – 

1) Basic If-Else method

Logic Of Code Explained: 

  • The first condition you have to check, if year % 4 == 0 (checks if the given year is divisible by 4)
  • If the year is divisible by 4, the code proceeds to the next step with if year % 100 == 0.
  • If true, it further checks if year % 400 == 0. The year is called a leap year in python if this condition is met.
  • If the year is not divisible by 400, it means it’s not a leap year.
  • If the year is not divisible by 100 (as per the second condition), it directly returns True, indicating a leap year.
  • If the year is not divisible by 4 in the first check, the function returns False, which means that it’s not a leap year.

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2) Calendar Module

Logic Of Code Explained: 

  • So basically, this code uses the “isleap” function provided by the calendar module in Python.
  • calendar.isleap(year) returns a boolean if the year is a leap year.
  • One thing you need to know is that the function depends on the calendar module, So you must import the calendar module at the start of your Python script or program 

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3) Divisibility Method

Logic Of Code Explained:

  • The function starts by checking if the year is divisible by 4 or not using “year % 4 == 0”
  • It then checks two conditions using the logical AND operator (and):

      i) year % 100 != 0: This checks if the year is not divisible by 100.

     ii) year % 400 == 0: This checks if the year is divisible by 400.

  • The use of or between these conditions ensures that if either condition is true, the year is considered a leap year.

4) Using Datetime Module

Logic Of Code Explained:

  • The function try to create a “datetime” object for February 29 of the given year using “datetime(year, 2, 29)”
  • It uses a try-except block to catch “ValueError exception”.
  • If creating the datetime object succeeds, it means that February 29 exists in the given year, indicating a leap year. In this case, the function returns True.
  • If a “ValueError exception” is found, it means February 29 does not exist in the given year, indicating it’s not a leap year. The function then returns False.


I hope you get a clear understanding of the Leap Year Program in Python and get the answer on Is 2024 a Leap Year?

  • Python Programming calendar and datetime modules and manual logic like a given year is divisible by 4 or not may check for leap years.
  • Manual divisibility checks for 4, 100, and 400 ensure leap years.
  • Python Programming flexibility helps programmers easily handle leap year situations, whether if you are writing code by hand or using built-in tools. This makes it possible to handle dates correctly in the changing world after 2024.


What is the formula for leap year?

The most basic and simple formula is: Years that can be divided by 4 are called “leap years.” Years that can be divided by 100 but not by 400 are not leap years.

How do you display the next leap year in Python?

You can use the “calendar module” in Python or custom logic to find the next leap year based on the current year.

Is 1900 a leap year Python?

No, 1900 is not a leap year in Python. While it is divisible by 4, it doesn’t meet the exception criteria (divisible by 100 but not by 400).

Why is 2023 not a leap year?

Based on the basic rule for leap years, 2023 is not a leap year because it is not divisible by 4.


Picture of Aniket


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