40+ CSS Interview Questions and Answers

40+ CSS Interview Questions and Answers


40+ CSS Interview Questions and Answers

40+ CSS Interview Questions and Answers

40+ CSS Interview Questions and Answers

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40+ CSS Interview Questions and Answers

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40+ CSS Interview Questions and Answers

Ready to ace CSS interview questions? This tutorial covers CSS, a fantastic technology that allows web developers to change HTML components on websites.

In the CSS interview, they ask you about everything from foundations to advanced concepts. We’ve prepared over 40+ CSS interview questions and answers to impress interviewers. We have divided these questions into the following categories.

1) Basic CSS interview questions

2) Intermediate CSS interview questions

3) Advanced CSS interview questions


We’ll discuss selecting components, box model secrets, clever layout approaches, responsive design, and Bootstrap. These insights make you invincible!

So prepare to improve your CSS and ace that interview. Developers of all levels should read this. Let’s tackle CSS interview questions! Let’s ace web development interviews!

Basic CSS Interview Questions

Is CSS case-sensitive?

Yes, CSS is case-sensitive. For example, `color` and `Color` are treated as different property names, and the same applies to class names and IDs.

Are CSS classes case-sensitive?

In HTML, CSS classes are not case-sensitive, meaning `.myclass`, `.MyClass`, and `.MYCLASS` would target the same element. However, in XHTML or XML documents, class names are case-sensitive.

Are CSS frameworks necessary?

CSS frameworks are not necessary but can be extremely helpful. They provide pre-styled components, layout systems, and utilities that save time and effort during web development. Whether you use a framework depends on your project requirements and personal preference.

Are CSS preprocessors still used?

Sass, Less, and Stylus are still utilized in web development. They add functionality to CSS, such as variables, mixins, functions, and nested rules, making the authoring process more efficient and maintainable.


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Why is CSS used?

CSS controls HTML page layout and display. Web developers may design items, modify fonts, colors, layouts, and create visual effects to improve web page look.

Which CSS framework is best?

Your project and tastes determine the appropriate CSS framework. Bootstrap, Foundation, Bulma, and Tailwind are prominent CSS frameworks. Each has strengths and distinct characteristics, so choosing the right one for your project is crucial.

Which CSS properties are inherited?

Some common CSS properties that are inherited by child elements from their parent are `font`, `color`, `line-height`, `text-align`, and `list-style`. However, keep in mind that not all properties are inherited, and it depends on the individual property’s inheritance behavior.


Which CSS framework is best for React?

For React applications, some popular CSS frameworks specifically designed to work well with React include Material-UI, styled-components, and Semantic UI React. These frameworks provide React-specific components and seamless integration with React applications.

Which CSS file takes precedence?

The CSS file that takes precedence is the last one loaded or linked in the HTML document. If you have multiple CSS files that define conflicting styles for the same elements, the styles defined in the last file will override the previous ones.

 Which CSS has the highest priority?

CSS prioritizes inline styles. If a style is applied directly to an HTML element using the `style` attribute, it will override any external or internal styles.

How to identify UI elements CSS handles?

To identify UI elements CSS handles, you can inspect the HTML and CSS of a web page using your browser’s developer tools. Right-click on an element, and choose “Inspect” or “Inspect Element” to open the developer tools. This will allow you to see the HTML structure and the applied CSS styles for each element.

What tools do you use to generate CSS XPath selectors?

XPath selectors are typically used with XML documents. In web development, CSS selectors are more commonly used to target elements. However, if you need to generate XPath selectors for XML documents, you can use tools like XPather or FirePath (for Firefox), or built-in developer tools in browsers like Chrome and Firefox to inspect XML documents and generate XPath expressions.

Intermediate Interview Questions

What distinguishes :before and :after pseudo-elements?

  • `:before`:- This pseudo-element inserts content before the selected element’s content. It is often used for decorative purposes or to add extra content without modifying the HTML structure.
  • `:after`:- This pseudo-element inserts content after the selected element’s content. Like `:before`, it is commonly used for decorative purposes or to add content without altering the HTML.


What is the difference between transition and animation?

  • `transition`:- It is a property that allows smooth animated transitions between different property values over a specified duration. CSS property changes, pseudo-classes, and JavaScript events usually cause transitions.
  • ‘animation`:- It is a more powerful and flexible way to create animations in CSS. Animations are defined using `@keyframes` and allow you to specify the intermediate stages (keyframes) of the animation. Animations can run automatically or be triggered by classes or JavaScript.


How do you create a CSS gradient that is responsive?

To create a responsive CSS gradient, you can use percentage-based units for color stops. Additionally, you should set the gradient to the appropriate dimensions relative to its container. For example, to create a horizontally responsive gradient, you can use:


How do you create a CSS animation that is accessible?

To create an accessible CSS animation, consider the following:

Avoid animations that might cause dizziness or distract users from the content.

Ensure animations are not too fast or too slow, and provide a way for users to pause or disable them.

Use the `prefers-reduced-motion` media query to detect if the user prefers reduced motion and adjust animations accordingly.

Ensure that any animated content remains readable and accessible to screen readers.


What are the different ways to center an element in CSS without using margin or padding?


  • Using Flexbox: Apply `display: flex` to the container and use `justify-content: center` and `align-items: center`.
  • Using Grid: Set `display: grid` on the container and use `place-items: center`.
  • Using Absolute Positioning:- Set the element’s top, bottom, left, and right to `0` using `position: absolute`. Center it using `transform: translate(-50%, -50%)`.


How do you create a CSS grid that is responsive?

Use media queries to create a responsive CSS grid. Such as:



`auto-fit` automatically adjusts the number of columns to meet the container’s width, and `minmax(200px, 1fr)` sets a minimum column width of 200px.


CSS for 3D effects?

CSS transformations like `rotateX`, `rotateY`, `rotateZ`, `translateZ`, and `perspective` generate 3D effects. For example, to create a 3D card flip effect:



By applying the `flipped` class to the `.card` element, it will rotate around the Y-axis, creating the flip effect.


What are the CSS frameworks and their pros and cons?

CSS frameworks have pros and cons. Some popular ones are:

Bootstrap: Provides a comprehensive set of pre-styled components and a responsive grid system. It’s well-documented and widely used but can result in larger file sizes.

Foundation: Offers a highly customizable framework with a robust grid system and a variety of components. It’s harder to learn.

Bulma: A modern and lightweight framework with a straightforward and intuitive syntax. It’s easy to learn but may not have as many components as Bootstrap or Foundation.

Tailwind CSS: Emphasizes utility classes, offering great flexibility and fast development. The learning curve can be a bit steep, and it might lead to more verbose HTML.


What are the best practices for writing CSS?

Use descriptive and meaningful class names.

Keep CSS organized and use a modular approach (e.g., BEM, SMACSS).

Avoid excessive use of IDs for styling.

Separate CSS from HTML using external stylesheets.

Minimize the use of global styles and prefer encapsulated styles with classes.

Optimize CSS for performance by reducing unnecessary code and using appropriate selectors.

Test and validate CSS across different browsers and devices.


What is the box-sizing property in CSS?

Box-sizing determines an element’s width and height. It can have two values:

`content-box` (default): The width and height include only the content, and padding and border are added to the total size.

`border-box`: The width and height of the element include the content, padding, and border. The content area will shrink if padding or border values are increased. This can be useful for easier sizing calculations, especially in responsive layouts.


How many types of media queries are there in CSS?

CSS media queries let you style depending on the user’s device or viewport. Media queries are varied:

`all`: The default media type for all devices.

`screen`: Intended for color computer screens.

`print`: Intended for printers or print-preview displays.

`speech`: Intended for screen readers that “speak” the content.


Media queries can also target specific characteristics like width, height, orientation, resolution, etc. For example:



display: grid vs display: flex?

`display: flex`: It creates a flexible box layout, where elements are aligned in either a row (default) or column. Flexbox is best suited for one-dimensional layouts, like navigation menus or simple flexible content containers.

`display: grid`: It creates a grid layout, allowing you to define rows and columns and position elements in both rows and columns simultaneously. Grid layout is best for complex two-dimensional layouts, like entire page structures or responsive card grids.


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Advanced Interview Questions 

How do you create a CSS clip-path?

The clip-path attribute clips an element to a shape or path. For non-rectangular forms. Clip paths may be created using polygon(), circle(), ellipse(), or path() for more sophisticated forms. Such as:



How do you create a CSS mask?

The `mask` property masks an element with an image or SVG. It may conceal or produce fascinating effects. Such as:



How do you create a CSS shadow?

You can use the `box-shadow` property to create a box shadow in CSS. It allows you to add a shadow effect to elements. For example:



How do you create a CSS gradient?


You can use the `linear-gradient` or `radial-gradient` functions to create a CSS gradient. For example:



This creates a horizontal gradient from red to green.


How do you create a CSS animation?

CSS animations are created using `@keyframes` and the `animation` property. Such as:



This example will make the `.animated-element` slide in from the left.


How do you create a CSS transition?

Transitions are used to create smooth animated changes between CSS property values. To create a transition, you specify the property you want to animate and its duration. For example:



This will create a smooth color change when hovering over `.transition-element`.


How do you create a CSS pseudo-element?

We can use the `::before` or `::after` notation to create Pseudo-elements. For example:



This will insert “Before” and “After” before and after the content of `.pseudo-element`.


Creating a CSS media query:

CSS media queries are created using the `@media` rule. For example:



    This media query targets screens with a maximum width of 768 pixels and applies the CSS rules inside the block for such screens.


Creating a CSS Reset:

A CSS reset is used to normalize default styles across different browsers, ensuring a consistent starting point for your styles. For example:



This CSS reset removes margins and paddings from various elements and sets a default font-family.


Creating a CSS Normalize:

A CSS normalize is similar to a reset, but it preserves some useful default styles and normalizes styles across browsers. A popular CSS normalize library is “Normalize.css.” To use it, you include the link to the normalize CSS file in your HTML file’s `<head>` section:



   Normalize.css will help ensure that styles are consistent and predictable across different browsers.


How do you create a CSS Framework?

Creating a full CSS framework is a complex task that involves defining a set of styles, components, and layout systems to be used across various projects. A CSS framework typically includes a grid system, typography styles, pre-styled components, and more. Start a CSS framework from scratch or utilize Bootstrap or Foundation.


Creating a CSS Custom Property (Variable):

CSS custom properties, also known as CSS variables, allow you to define reusable values within your CSS. They are defined using the `–` prefix and can be used throughout your stylesheet. For example:



How do you create a CSS Mixin?

A CSS mixin is a reusable set of CSS declarations that can be included in multiple rules. However, CSS itself does not have built-in mixins. Sass or Less may specify mixins instead. Here’s an example using Sass:



How do you create a CSS Function?

CSS itself does not allow you to create custom functions. Functions in CSS, like `url()`, `calc()`, or `rgba()`, are built into the language. However, preprocessors like Sass and Less allow you to define custom functions to extend CSS.


How do you create a CSS Selector?

A CSS selector is used to target HTML elements in order to apply styles. Selectors can be based on element names, class names, IDs, attributes, pseudo-classes, and more. For example:



Creating a CSS Rule:

A CSS rule is composed of a selector and one or more declarations within curly braces. For example:



How do you create a CSS Stylesheet?

A CSS stylesheet is a text file with a `.css` extension containing CSS rules that define the styles for an HTML document. You include the CSS file in your HTML file’s `<head>` section:



‘href` links to your CSS file.


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So, these are some of the most frequently asked CSS interview questions. While preparing for your interview, these questions will help you to confidently answer any kind of questions. 

The most important thing in any interview is the confidence. And keep in mind that confidence only comes with the proper knowledge and preparation. 

With these points, you can surely crack the interview and land your dream job!



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