Understanding the Pair Class in Java: A Powerful Data Structure

Understanding the Pair Class in Java: A Powerful Data Structure

pair class in java

Understanding the Pair Class in Java: A Powerful Data Structure

Understanding the Pair Class in Java: A Powerful Data Structure

Understanding the Pair Class in Java: A Powerful Data Structure

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Understanding the Pair Class in Java: A Powerful Data Structure

Understanding the Pair Class in Java: A Powerful Data Structure

The Pair In Java is a widely used data structure. It allows you to store and manipulate two related objects as a single unit. It provides a convenient way to represent and work with pairs of values, which often occur in various programming scenarios. In this article, we will explain what the Pair in Java is with proper examples.


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What is a Pair in Java? 

A Pair is a generic class in Java that encapsulates (binding data into a single unit) two objects of potentially different types. It is part of the javafx.util package and can be used to store any combination of objects. The Pair class is immutable, meaning that once created, its values cannot be modified.

The Pair class is defined as follows:



In the above code snippet, the Pair class is implemented with two private instance variables: key and value, representing the pair’s components. 

With constructor, you can initialize a Pair object with a key and a value. You can get to the stored numbers with the getKey() and getValue() methods.


Creating a Pair in Java 

To make a Pair in Java, you must say what kinds of items it will hold. Here’s an example of creating a Pair of integers:-



In this example, we created a Pair called “coordinate” that holds two integers, 3 and 4. The type parameters <Integer, Integer> specify the types of the objects.


Accessing Pair Values 

You can access the values stored in a Pair using the getKey() and getValue() methods. Here’s an example:



In this code snippet, we created a Pair called “student” that holds a String representing the student’s name and an integer representing their age. We accessed the values using getKey() and getValue() methods.


Pair Equality and Comparison 

The Pair class provides methods for comparing and checking the equality of pairs. The equals() method compares two Pairs for equality based on the equality of their key and value. Here’s an example:



In this example, we created two Pairs, pair1 and pair2, with different key value combinations. The equals() method returns false because the key value pairs are not equal.


Practical Applications of Pair in Java

The Pair class is widely used in various programming scenarios. Here are some common use cases:


a. Working with coordinates or points in a 2D or 3D space

Pairs can be used to store a point’s x & y coordinates or a place’s latitude and longitude.



b. Representing key-value pairs in maps or dictionaries 

Pairs can be utilized to represent key-value pairs in maps or dictionaries, providing a concise way to associate data. This can be useful when you need to store and retrieve related information efficiently.



c. Returning multiple values from a method 

Sometimes, a method needs to return multiple values, and the Pair class can be used to achieve this. Instead of creating a custom class or using an array, you can use a Pair to encapsulate the return values.



d. Sorting and manipulating data based on multiple attributes 

When sorting or manipulating data based on multiple attributes, Pairs can be valuable. For example, when sorting a list of objects based on two properties, such as name and age, a Pair can hold these attributes and facilitate sorting operations.




The Pair in Java provides a convenient and efficient way to handle pairs of related objects. By making two items into one (encapsulating), it makes the code simpler and easier to understand. 


Understanding how to create, access, compare, and utilize Pair objects allows you to leverage this powerful data structure in your Java programs. The Pair class can be a useful tool in your programming arsenal, whether you’re working on algorithms, data processing, or other uses.


So, start exploring and incorporating the Pair class into your projects to enhance your programming capabilities.


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