Difference between Manual and Automation testing

Difference between Manual and Automation testing

Difference between Manual and Automation testing

Difference between Manual and Automation testing

Difference between Manual and Automation testing

Difference between Manual and Automation testing

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Difference between Manual and Automation testing

Difference between Manual and Automation Testing

The Software Testing field has changed a lot in recent years. Testing used to be seen as a boring and less appealing job, which is why many people avoided it. But now, things are different. With the rise of complex software and the need to release updates quickly, there is a big demand for Software Testers.

Software testing has become a very good career choice in the past few years, both in terms of professional growth and income.  According to Indeed statistics, there will be more than 29,000 jobs in India in 2024.

Software Testing is divided into two parts – 

  1. Manual Testing
  2. Automation Testing

The journey from manual to automation testing started with manual testing, where testers would check the software by hand, which was slow and could easily make mistakes. 

As software got more complex and updates happened faster, the need for quicker and more reliable testing brought about automation.  Automation testing uses tools and scripts to run tests automatically, making the process faster and more accurate. 

While automation testing provides faster results compared to manual testing, it doesn’t mean that manual testing is completely gone. 

Many organizations use both automation & manual testing together to check more thoroughly and ensure high-quality software. Combining these methods helps achieve better results.

In this blog, we’ll explain the basic difference between Manual and Automation testing. Before learning the difference, let’s first understand what software testing is. 

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What is Software Testing?

Software testing is a process of verifying and validating whether software or an application is bug-free or not.  For testing the software, there are different levels such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing. 

As we discussed earlier, software testing divided in two parts – 

  1. Manual Testing
  2. Automation Testing

Let’s discuss one by one – 

Also Read – What Is Software Testing?

What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing means checking the software by following Test Cases (Testing instructions steps). Testers use these test cases to see if everything in the software works as per client requirement. Manual testing helps find issues and improve the overall quality of the software.

Types Of Manual Testing

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing 
  • System Testing
  • UI Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

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Benefits of Manual Testing

FlexibilityEasily adapts to changes and new test scenarios without needing to rewrite scripts.
Human InsightUses human intuition and creativity to find unexpected bugs.
Cost-Effective for Small ProjectsOften cheaper for smaller or short-term projects.
Exploratory TestingIdeal for exploratory, ad-hoc, and usability testing where scripted automation falls short.
Immediate FeedbackProvides instant feedback during the testing process.
No Initial SetupNo need for complex tool setup or scripting, making it easier to start testing quickly.
User PerspectiveAllows testers to evaluate the application from an end-user’s viewpoint.
Adaptable to Complex ScenariosCan handle complex and dynamic scenarios that may be difficult to automate.
Quick AdjustmentsTest cases can be adjusted on the fly without needing code changes.
Initial Development StageUseful in the early stages of development when the application is still evolving.

People also ask questions related Manual Testing such as – 

How Manual Testing Works?

As we discussed earlier manual testing follows Test Cases.

So here is the process includes:

Step 1 – Understanding Requirements: Review what the software should do.

Step 2 – Creating Test Cases: Write step-by-step instructions on how to test each feature.

Step 3 – Executing Tests: Perform the tests according to the instructions.

Step 4 – Identifying Issues: Note any problems or bugs encountered.

Step 5 – Reporting Bugs: Document and report the issues found to the development team.

Step 6 – Re-testing: Check that fixes work and that no new issues are present.

Step 7 – Final Verification: Ensure the software meets all requirements before release.

Does manual testing need coding?

No, manual testing does not require coding. Testers follow pre-written test cases and use the software directly to find issues. Coding is not necessary for this process, although some basic knowledge of scripting might be helpful for creating automated test scripts in the future.

Is manual testing easy?

Manual testing is fairly simple but can take a lot of time and involve repeating tasks. Testers need to be careful and thorough, following detailed steps to check the software and find any bugs. It’s often easier to start with than automation testing, which requires learning programming and using more complex tools.

Which language is used in manual testing?

Manual testing does not use a specific programming language. Instead, it focuses on following detailed test cases and using the software as an end-user. However, for documenting and reporting bugs, testers might use tools and languages like spreadsheets, bug tracking systems, and sometimes basic scripting if necessary for test case creation or data management.

Also Read – Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is testing where testers can write the script and use other tools Selenium, JUnit, or TestComplete to test the software. Automation testing is used to test the application in terms of load, performance, and stress. 

Automation testing uses different types of testing tools that help you create test scripts that can be executed repeatedly without needing human input.

Types Of Automation Testing

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Smoke Testing
  • Sanity Testing
  • User Interface (UI) Testing
  • API Testing
  • End-to-End Testing

Benefits Of Automation Testing?

Faster TestingRuns tests quickly, saving time.
Consistent ResultsReduces human error for accurate results.
Cost-EffectiveSaves money over time by reusing test scripts.
Broader CoverageTests more scenarios, including complex ones.
Reusable ScriptsUse the same scripts for different versions of the software.
Early Bug DetectionFinds issues early, making them easier to fix.
Efficient Regression TestingEasily re-tests existing features to ensure they still work.
Supports Continuous IntegrationFits well with CI/CD processes for ongoing testing.
Effective Load TestingSimulates many users to test performance under various conditions.
Better Resource UseAllows human testers to focus on complex tasks while automation handles repetitive ones.
Detailed ReportsProvides clear logs and reports to help resolve issues.
24/7 TestingCan run tests anytime, including overnight.

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People also ask questions related Automation Testing such as – 

How Automation Testing Works?

Step 1 : Write Test Scripts: First, testers write instructions (called scripts) that tell the testing tool what to do. These instructions include steps to follow and what results are expected.

Step 2 – Set Up Testing Tools: Use a testing tool or software, like Selenium or JUnit, to run these test scripts automatically.

Step 3 – Run Tests: The testing tool executes the test scripts on the software. It performs the actions described in the scripts, like clicking buttons or entering data.

Step 4 – Check Results: After running the tests, the tool compares the actual results with the expected results written in the scripts.

Step 5 – Report Issues: If there are any differences or problems, the tool generates a report that shows what went wrong.

Step 6 – Fix Problems: Developers use the report to fix any issues, and then the tests can be run again to make sure everything is working correctly.

What is QA test automation?

QA test automation means using special tools and scripts to test software automatically. This helps make testing faster, more accurate, and covers more areas by handling repetitive and complicated tests without manual effort.

Is Automation testing easy?

Automation testing can be tricky because you need to learn how to use different tools and write test scripts. Although it makes testing faster and more efficient over time, you need to understand programming and how the tools work to get started.

When to start automation testing?

Start automation testing when:

  • Test Cases Are Stable: Use automation when the software’s features are well-defined and not changing often.
  • Tests Are Repeated: If you need to run the same tests many times or in different setups, automation saves time.
  • You Have Lots of Data: Automation helps handle and test large amounts of data more efficiently.

Also Read – Testing Comes Under Which Category Of Cost Of Quality

Manual Testing Vs Automation Testing 


Manual TestingAutomation Testing
DefinitionTesting performed manually by testers without tools.Testing performed using automated tools and scripts.
SpeedSlower, as tests are executed manually.Faster, as tests are executed automatically by tools.
EfficiencyLess efficient for repetitive tests and large-scale testing.More efficient for repetitive and large-scale testing.
AccuracyProne to human error, which can lead to inconsistent results.More accurate, as it eliminates human error in repetitive tests.
CostCan be more expensive in the long run due to time and labor.Can have higher initial setup costs but lower long-term costs.
Test CoverageLimited coverage, especially for extensive test cases.Greater coverage, including extensive test cases and data sets.
FlexibilityMore flexible for exploratory testing and ad-hoc scenarios.Less flexible for unexpected changes or ad-hoc testing.
MaintenanceRequires manual updates to test cases and scripts.Requires updates to scripts when application changes.
Use CaseIdeal for small projects or projects with frequent changes.Ideal for large projects with stable features and frequent releases.
Complex ScenariosCan handle complex scenarios through manual effort.Can handle complex scenarios efficiently if properly scripted.
Skill RequirementRequires testing skills and attention to detail.Requires knowledge of scripting and automation tools.

Also Read – Software Testing Syllabus


I hope you get a better understanding of Difference Between Manual and Automation Testing.

In this blog we conclude that – 

  • Manual and automation testing each have their own strengths and work best when used together for thorough software testing.
  • Manual testing is best for checking new features, usability, and unexpected situations where human judgment and flexibility are needed.
  • Automation testing is great for repetitive tasks, large projects, and checking for old bugs. It is fast, accurate, and efficient.

Depending on organizational needs, some may find success in adopting Manual Testing, while others may benefit from implementing Automation Testing, or a combination of both. Ultimately, understanding these two (Manual and Automation Testing) is very beneficial for today’s modern IT industry.

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