What Should Be The First Tag In Any HTML Document?

What Should Be The First Tag In Any HTML Document?

what should be the first tag in any html document

What Should Be The First Tag In Any HTML Document?

What Should Be The First Tag In Any HTML Document?

What Should Be The First Tag In Any HTML Document?

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What Should Be The First Tag In Any HTML Document?

What Should Be The First Tag In Any HTML Document?

HTML helps us make beautiful websites. It means Hyper Text Markup Language. Need the basic layout to start making a web page. Consider building a house. You would begin with the base, right?

Beginners usually ask, “What should be the first tag in any HTML document?” The answer is: <html> tag. It is like a foundation of any HTML document.

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Let’s First Understand What Is HTML?

What Is HTML Tag? 

In web development, an HTML tag is like a building block for creating web pages. Think of it as a special instruction that tells the web browser how to display content. Just like how you use different tools to build a sandcastle, you use HTML tags to structure and design your web page.

HTML tags are always written between angle brackets (< and >)

For example, <p> is a tag used to create a paragraph, and <h1> is a tag for the main heading.

Here’s a quick example of how HTML tags work:

In the example above:

  1. <html> is the main tag that wraps the entire content of the web page.
  2. <head> contains meta-information, like the title of the page.
  3. <body> holds the visible content, like the main heading <h1> and a paragraph <p>.

Tags in HTML make headlines, paragraphs, images, links, and other things. You can make great websites if you learn more tags and how they work together.

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List Of HTML Tags With Description

<html>The important element in html that wraps the entire HTML document.<html> … </html>
<head>It is used to provide meta-information about the HTML document.<head> … </head>
<title>Set the title of the web page (displayed in the browser’s title bar or tab).<title>My Web Page</title>
<body>It contains all the contents of an HTML document<body> … </body>
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, … <h6>It is the headings of different levels (h1 being the highest).<h1>Main Heading</h1>
<p>Represents a paragraph of text.<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<a>It is used to create hyperlinks or clickable links <a href=”https://www.example.com”>Visit</a>
<img>Embeds an image into the web page.<img src=”image.jpg” alt=”Image”>
<ul>, <ol>Unordered and ordered lists, respectively.<ul><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li></ul>
<li>Represents a list item inside a <ul> or <ol>.<ul><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li></ul>
<div>Defines a division or a container for content.<div>Content goes here</div>
<span>Used to apply styles to a specific part of text.<span style=”color: red;”>Red text</span>
<table>Creates a table for organizing tabular data.<table><tr><td>Data 1</td></tr></table>
<tr>Represents a row in a table.<tr><td>Data 1</td></tr>
<td>Defines a cell in a table.<tr><td>Data 1</td></tr>
<form>Creates an interactive form for user input.<form action=”/submit” method=”post”> … </form>
<input>Represents an input field in a form.<input type=”text” name=”username”>
<button>Creates a clickable button.<button>Click Me</button>

There are many more tags available to create different types of content and functionalities on web pages.

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How HTML Tags Works?

HTML tags as special instructions that you use to build a web page. To arrange a letter, you utilize headers, paragraphs, and bullet points. HTML tags do something similar, but for web pages.

Keep these Three Points In Mind:

  • HTML tags are always written between angle brackets, like this: <tag>
  • They come in pairs: an opening tag <tag> and a closing tag </tag>
  • Opening and closing tags start and terminate elements.

Example: heading tag. We use <h1> for primary headings.

Like this: <h1>Main Heading</h1>

See how we start with <h1> and conclude with </h1>? Web page headings are anything between those tags.

Note: If you neglect to close a tag, the web browser may misinterpret your page. 

Unpunctuated sentences may mislead readers. Thus, tags must start and end properly.

One more! HTML tags may nest. A div tag <div> may contain a paragraph tag <p>. It allows complex web page design.

What points need to take care while writing html tags

1) Proper Nesting: Ensure that HTML tags are correctly nested inside each other, with opening and closing tags matching appropriately. Incorrect nesting can lead to layout issues and render the page incorrectly.

2) Closing Tags: Always close HTML tags properly. Every opening tag should have a corresponding closing tag. Improper closing can cause rendering errors and affect the overall structure of the page.

3) Semantic Tags: Use HTML tags that best represent the content they enclose. Semantic tags, like <header>, <main>, <footer>, <nav>, etc., help improve accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO).

4) Attribute Quotation: Always use quotes around attribute values. 

For example: <img src=”image.jpg” alt=”Image description”>. This ensures proper rendering and compatibility.

5) Accessibility: Consider accessibility when writing HTML. Use proper headings (<h1>, <h2>, etc.), provide alt text for images, and use label elements for form fields to ensure all users can access and understand your content.

6) Mobile Responsiveness: Make sure your HTML is responsive and adapts well to different screen sizes, especially for mobile devices. Use CSS media queries to create responsive layouts.

7) Performance Optimization: Optimize your HTML code for faster page loading. Minimize unnecessary elements and use efficient coding practices to reduce file sizes.


I hope you get a better understanding of “What should be the first tag in any html document?” What are HTML Tags & How they work? As beginners, the <html> tag is important in web development, representing the basic building blocks. HTML provides an easy way to start coding.  Learning HTML helps you to create the best website. Have fun coding, and let your passion grow with each line of HTML you write!

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