AWS Vs Azure – Which Cloud Platform is better [2024]

AWS Vs Azure – Which Cloud Platform is better [2024]

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AWS Vs Azure – Which Cloud Platform is better [2024]

AWS Vs Azure – Which Cloud Platform is better [2024]

AWS Vs Azure – Which Cloud Platform is better [2024]

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AWS Vs Azure – Which Cloud Platform is better [2024]

Introduction – 

Comparing AWS vs Azure is important for organizations wanting to use cloud computing for growth and innovation. Both AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Microsoft Azure are the best cloud providers in 2024 and continue to do so in future as 94% of all companies worldwide use cloud computing services.

So you may have a question in mind which cloud computing service is best: AWS or Azure?

Initially, AWS came first (August, 2006) as a cloud service provider and its booming growth set the foundation for the cloud computing industry. Microsoft Azure, launched in 2010, quickly became popular by using Microsoft’s large customer base and working well with its other products.

Today, AWS and Microsoft Azure are the top and best cloud providers. 

Constantly expanding their services like – 

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Machine learning
  • Hybrid cloud solutions 

So companies choose between them based on their specific needs, client requirements, budget , technology, and goals.

Let’s start discussing the comparison between AWS and Azure.

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What is AWS?

AWS (AWS Full Form:Amazon Web Services) is a collection of remote computing services and resources that together make up a cloud computing platform. It provides all the facilities required to run applications using a technology called Platform as a Service (PaaS).

It offers pay-as-you-go rental of various high-level AWS services that can be used to build and launch applications without the cost or hassle of buying or managing the underlying infrastructure.

Amazon offers more than 200 services to fulfill the needs of a wide range of applications for computing, storage, networking, database, analytics, application services, deployment, and management from 84 Availability Zones in 26 different geographical regions around the world.

Also Read:  What Is AWS?

What is Azure?

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications through its data centers. It offers SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

Also it supports various programming languages such as – 

  • Java
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • C#
  • Ruby

It offers 200+ Azure services, including virtual machines, databases, AI, machine learning, and IoT solutions.

Also Read: What is Azure DevOps?

Difference Between AWS And Azure

Computing ServiceEC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing)Azure Virtual Machines (VMs)
Serverless ComputingAWS LambdaAzure Functions
Container OrchestrationAWS ECS (Elastic Container Service), EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
AI and Machine LearningAWS SageMaker, AWS Deep Learning AMIsAzure AI, Azure Machine Learning
Global ReachExtensive global presence with more regionsBroad global reach, strong in regions with Microsoft presence
Pricing ModelFollow Pay-as-you-goFollow Pay-as-you-go

AWS Vs Azure – Which Cloud Platform is better?

Basics of Azure and AWS

Azure and AWS are both big names in cloud computing. Azure is Microsoft’s platform, launched in 2010, while AWS is Amazon’s, with a start date of 2006. 

They both offer various services like computing , storage, databases, networking, AI, etc. These services help businesses and developers create and manage apps and services in the cloud. 

Also Read – How To Become AWS Data Engineer In 2024?

Networking and content delivery

In networking and content delivery, both AWS and Azure provide services for creating private networks and managing DNS. 

AWS has VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) and Route 53, while Azure offers Virtual Network and Azure DNS. Both also have content delivery networks (CDN) – AWS CloudFront for AWS and Azure Content Delivery Network for Azure. 

They both ensure fast and reliable connections globally, but which one you choose depends on your needs and preferences.

AWS vs Azure for AI Services

As we all know AI is booming nowadays. Every one uses AI technology and both AWS and Azure offer best AI services to meet the growing demand. 

AWS AI Services like – 

  • AWS Sagemaker – Used for building machine learning models
  • AWS Rekognition –  Used for image and video analysis

Azure AI Services like – 

  • Azure Machine Learning – Used for building, training, and deploying machine learning models.
  • Azure Cognitive – Used for making apps smart by adding features like recognizing images, understanding language, and speaking with users.

AWS cloud computing is good for doing deep learning, and it works well with all its other services. Microsoft Azure, on the other hand, is great because it works really smoothly with all of Microsoft’s tools, making it a complete solution for artificial intelligence (AI).

Also Read – What is the Format of an Azure Resource Template?

Hybrid Solutions 

AWS Outposts helps you use AWS services and infrastructure in your own data center.

With tools like – 

  • AWS Storage Gateway
  • VMware Cloud on AWS

With the help of these tools you can easily set up hybrid setups that combine Private cloud and on-premises resources. On the other hand, Azure Arc helps you manage resources across different places like your own servers, other clouds, and edge locations. 

Azure Stack helps you use Azure services in your own data center. 

Tools like  – 

  • Azure FileSync
  • Azure ExpressRoute 

Which makes it easier to set up hybrid setups that combine Private cloud and on-premises resources.

Pricing Models for Azure and AWS

AWS best feature is it offers a flexible pricing model allowing you to pay only for what you use (pay-as-you-go). So you pay only for services you need. 

Additionally, you can save more with increased use, meaning the more you use, the less you pay per unit. Azure, on the other hand, is a bit less flexible with its pricing models.

Also Read: Difference Between SRE Vs DevOps

Similarities Between AWS and Azure

Cloud ServicesBoth offer a wide range of cloud servicesBoth provide diverse cloud service offerings
ComputingAWS EC2Azure Virtual Machines
StorageAWS S3 Azure Blob Storage
DatabasesAWS RDSAzure SQL Database
NetworkingAWS VPCAzure Virtual Network
Machine LearningAWS SageMakerAzure Machine Learning
Pricing ModelPay-as-you-go model: you  need to pay only for what you use. Pay-as-you-go model: you  need to pay only for what you use. 

Also Read – CPU Virtualization In Cloud Computing

Which is the better option: Azure or AWS?

So according to me the best choice between Microsoft Azure and AWS depends on what you need and what you prefer.

If you use a lot of Microsoft products already, Azure might be easier to use. But if you want a big range of services and lots of locations, AWS could be better. It’s better to explore both platforms (AWS And Azure) services, explore both and see which one works best for you.

Which is the best institute for learning AWS or Microsoft Azure?

Technogeeks is the best place to learn AWS and Microsoft Azure in Pune. 

We offer various Cloud Computing courses such as – 

  • AWS Cloud Computing
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Azure Data Engineer
  • DevOps with AWS
  • DevOps with Azure

Technogeeks cloud computing courses are curated by working IT professionals. Job seekers who are looking for a job-oriented Cloud Computing training institute in Pune can trust our software & IT training institute for their upskilling journey. These cloud computing courses are designed in a way to prepare you to take global certification exams from AWS and Microsoft Azure.

If you want to know more about Technogeeks Cloud Computing Courses?

Contact Us For more information +91 8600998107 / +91 7028710777. 



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