String Handling In Java

String Handling In Java

string handling in java

String Handling In Java

String Handling In Java

String Handling In Java

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String Handling In Java

String Handling in Java 

Strings – those magical things in programming that let you handle text and characters like a pro. Whether it’s names, sentences, or any kind of words you’re dealing with, String Handling In Java strings have your back. Get ready to enter the world of strings in Java – it’s like your personal text manipulation tool in programming.

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What are Strings?

Think of strings as a sequence of characters. A string is made up of individual characters just like words in a sentence. For instance, “Hello, Java!” is a string containing 12 characters.


Declaring and Initializing Strings

You need to declare them and give them a value to work with strings.

Here’s how you can do that:

You can also declare and initialize a string in a single line:-


String Concatenation

Concatenation means joining two or more strings together. In Java, you can use the “+” operator to concatenate strings:


String Length

You might want to know how many characters are in a string. You can use the length() method to get the length of a string:


Accessing Characters in a String

You can access individual characters within a string using their index. Keep in mind that the index starts from 0 for the first character:


Comparing Strings

You can compare strings to see if they are equal or not using the equals() method:


Changing Case

You can change the case of a string using toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() methods:



If you want to extract a portion of a string, you can use the “substring()”  method:


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What are the difference methods of String Handling in Java

length()Returns the length of a string.String text = “Hello, Java!”; int length = text.length();
charAt()Returns character at specified index.String word = “Java”; char firstLetter = word.charAt(0);
concat()Concatenates two strings.String firstName = “John”; String lastName = “Doe”; String fullName = firstName.concat(” “).concat(lastName);
equals()Checks if two strings are equal.String str1 = “Hello”; String str2 = “World”; boolean areEqual = str1.equals(str2);
equalsIgnoreCase()Case-insensitive comparison.String text1 = “Hello”; String text2 = “hello”; boolean areEqual = text1.equalsIgnoreCase(text2);
toUpperCase()Converts string to uppercase.String text = “Hello, Java!”; String uppercase = text.toUpperCase();
toLowerCase()Converts string to lowercase.String text = “Hello, Java!”; String lowercase = text.toLowerCase();
substring()Extracts portion of a string.String sentence = “I love programming”; String part = sentence.substring(2, 6);
indexOf()Returns index of specified substring.String text = “Hello, Java!”; int index = text.indexOf(“Java”);
replace()Replaces substring with another substring.String message = “Hello, World!”; String newMessage = message.replace(“World”, “Java”);
trim()Removes leading and trailing spaces.String input = ” This is a sentence. “; String trimmed = input.trim();


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How to create string object in Java

In Java, there are two common ways to create a String” object:

1) Using String Literal

You can create a “String” object using a string literal, which is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes.

In this method, Java automatically creates a String object for you.

2) Using the “new” Keyword

You can also create a “String” object using the new keyword, which explicitly allocates memory for the String object.

This method is less common because using string literals is more convenient and efficient.

Here’s a quick comparison:

Both methods will get you same result. But using string literals is recommended as it’s simpler and more commonly used. Java automatically performs some optimizations for string literals. That can super improve performance.


To handle large numbers of integers, we are using BigInteger in Java. Likewise to handle large numbers of strings, what can we use in Java?

Just like “BigInteger” is used to handle large numbers, “StringBuilder” is used to efficiently handle large numbers of strings in Java.

Example: Handling Strings with StringBuilder

Suppose you need to concatenate many strings. Using regular string concatenation (+) can be inefficient. Especially when dealing with a large number of strings this happens. In such situations StringBuilder helps.

We use “StringBuilder” to efficiently concatenate many strings in this example. The “append()” method adds strings to the “StringBuilder” object. At the end, we convert the  “StringBuilder” to a regular String using the “toString()” method.

The key advantage of using “StringBuilder” is that it modifies the existing object instead of creating new string objects at each step. Improving the performance, this reduces the memory overhead. Especially when dealing with a large number of string manipulations.



String handling is really most important in java, or any language as a matter of fact. You have to learn these basics if you really want to build some nice programs. 

In real world, the data doesn’t always come in the form that you want. It always has many problems (disturbance or noise) with it. And this is where string handling saves you. So, you will be building much more complex programs than these if you make these basics strong.

And to make the basics strong, you need to practice rigorously, Experiment with strings, play around with different methods, and gradually you’ll become more comfortable with this important aspect of Java programming.


How many types of strings are there in Java?

In Java, there are two types of strings: string literals (created using double quotes) and string objects (created using the “new” keyword).

Why is string immutable in Java?

Strings are immutable in Java to ensure their integrity and enhance performance, as multiple references can share the same string, reducing memory consumption.

What are string types in Java?

The primary string types in Java are “String” (immutable) and “StringBuilder” (mutable), each serving different purposes in handling and manipulating text.

What is StringBuilder in Java?

“StringBuilder” in Java is a mutable sequence of characters. It is very efficient function for string manipulation. It allows  dynamic modifications to the content without creating new string objects.

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