Batches Completed
Designed By Expert
Happy Students
Quizzes, POC
8+ Years Of Experience
1 Year Of Access
Cloud based cluster available for hands on practice
Course designed for non-IT as well as IT professionals
Flexible batch switch is available
Placement assistance in MNC
Classroom & Online Training – Can switch from online training to classroom training with nominal fee
Working professional as instructor
Proof of concept (POC) to demonstrate or self-evaluate the concept or theory taught by the instructor
100% placement calls guaranteed till you get placed
Interview Preparation Support
Resume Building & Mock Interview
Evaluation after each Topic completion
Hands-on Experience with Real-Time Projects
Let's begin a dialogue with our career concealer!
Technogeeks's AWS classes in Pune follow a structured cloud computing methodology to get real-time insights on AWS core capabilities and Services.
Our IT training institute instructors are well established cloud professionals and have in-depth experience in AWS cloud computing.The course is outlined to get the most out of the course to start a decent, excellent career in the IT industry after course completion at our training institute in Pune
The course is designed to help you understand AWS architectural principles and services. With this AWS training, you will learn how cloud computing redefines the rules of IT architecture and how to design, and scale AWS Cloud implementations with best practices recommended by Amazon.
Yes, you can attend demo session before you enroll either we can provide you the recorded lecture so that you can watch it as per your schedule or you can attend live demo lecture either online or offline
Yes, we do provide the placement assistance in which how we work on real time projects will be taught,resume preparation and Job openings will also be provided.More than 80% of candidates have changed their profile by getting either promotion or getting new job offers on good package.
Checkout our Telegram Channel for Placement Assistance (Open in Mobile Browser):
If you miss classes, you can get recording sessions of the lectures.
Technogeeks is a Group of IT working professionals located in Pune. We believe in sharing best practices with learners to build a great career in IT.
Head Office (Pune):
3rd Floor, Plot No 7, Common Wealth Society, Aundh, Pune 411007